Apollo Tools' Breast Cancer Commitment
When his two best friends lost their wives to breast cancer, our founder, Eliot Beal, was moved to do something in their honor. He felt that enough had been done to educate people on the fact that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women globally and that regular screening is paramount. What was most needed, he thought, was to find a cure, and that was only going to happen through medical research.
No medical research is possible without proper funding. And so, Eliot came up with the idea to manufacture pink tools, partner up with a reputable charity, and raise money through the sale of those tools. The point was not to make “pretty pink tools” specifically marketed to women – it turns out that black or red tools work perfectly well no matter who you are – but to embrace a color symbolic of the commitment to finding a cure against breast cancer.
Since 2009, Apollo Tools has donated over 1.6 million dollars to breast cancer research via two organizations, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation for products sold in the U.S. and Rethink Breast Cancer for products sold in Canada. Through the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, over 26,000 hours of medical research have been supported so far. For each pink product that we sell, we set a specific dollar amount and donate to those organizations. The amount we give is transparent: it is both indicated on each package and our website description for each product. There are no mark-ups — our pink line is priced exactly as our regular line. We take comfort in the thought that, together with our customers, we can do something tangible toward a cure for breast cancer. We hope you join us on our journey. The destination is none other than the elimination of breast cancer in our lifetime.